What is SEO – Search Engine Optimization?
What is SEO?
In a simple terms SEO is one of the module of Digital Marketing, which is used to rank the website on top of search engines like Google, Bing and etc. When you decide to have a website to be present in the network, there are many things that you should pay attention to, web design, domain, hosting, and of course, SEO.
What’s the point of having an amazing website if no one can find it? With this in mind, all possible measures should be taken to ensure that your site is visible to a greater number of people, always considering that today a high percentage of your website’s visitors will reach it through a search engine.
When you enter a query to Google, Bing, or Yahoo, how many pages of search results do you go through before you find what you’re looking for? A user may get bored before reaching the bottom of the first page and will likely find an answer to their question or the website they were looking for within the first five results.
How SEO helps to Rank on Top of Google?
The answer is search engine optimization – or SEO for short. Described by experts as a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility through search engine results. SEO encompasses the technical and creative elements needed to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase search engine awareness. In a strict sense, optimizing your website will allow you to put your website in the spotlight. There are certain ways to start dealing with SEO without having to get the help of a professional.
To please the search engines and climb their rankings, there are several steps you can take:
Make a Crawlable Website
Search engines evaluate your site using “crawler” bots. These robots analyze your content and the quality of your website to determine how friendly and informative it is. Google digs down to the skeleton of your web page, valuing the content embedded in HTML format. This includes external links, but search engine crawlers often overlook images and other visual content, such as Flash files.
Ensure all visual content is visible in the HTML text on the page. Remember that search engine crawlers will see a plain version when ranking your pages. You can see your site this way on sites like www.SEO-browser.com
Write Content related to website & Use Relevant Keywords
What is a keyword? It is a keyword, and as such, they change from one industry to another; a website that sells shoes will not want to embed its content with the word “coffee.” To think about your keywords, take a step back and take a general look at your brand DNA: what are the important areas of your business, and what kind of customers do you want to reach with your website? What would these customers ask on Google, Bing, or Yahoo?
Make sure your content is relevant to your industry; this is a step in the right direction for Google, but don’tdon’t try to fool them. In many cases, sites have hidden their keywords in page backgrounds to trick Google into giving a higher ranking. Google will penalize you for this, and your site may get blocked.
Site Should have Good User Interface
How your customers (and, at the same time, Google robots) browse your site should be a variable that you should pay attention to. Sites that are easy to use, navigate, and understand are highly rated by Google, as are those optimized for mobile use.
Google, Bing, and Yahoo want to provide the best Internet access experience for browsers. Ensure your site loads fast with a good hosting service, is professionally designed and accessible in all browsers, and delivers high-quality, relevant content – all keys to a great user experience.
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