SEO Best Practices: What is Meta Title and How to Optimize It

SEO Best Practices: What is Meta Title and How to Optimize It

The meta title is one of the most important aspects of improving your website’s visibility in search engines. Although it may seem like a simple title, properly worded meta titles can make a huge difference in how your content is perceived by users and search engines.

A good meta title not only grabs the attention of searchers but also helps search engines understand what your page is about.

In this context, we explain meta titles and how to optimize them to stand out on Google. We will also give you practical examples to inspire you and help you create titles that not only attract clicks but also align with SEO best practices.

What is a meta title?

The meta title is a fundamental search engine optimization (SEO) component. It appears in Google search results. Although it may seem like a small detail, it has a huge impact on your site’s visibility and performance.

.As we have discussed, a key aspect of the meta title is its influence on SEO. Search engines use this tag to understand your page’s content and determine its relevance to keyword queries.

Therefore, including your main keyword in the meta title can significantly improve your page’s chances of ranking on Google.

Additionally, an effective meta title can increase click-through rate (CTR). An attractive and well-written title can stand out among other results, increasing the likelihood that users will choose your page. On the other hand, a poorly designed or overly generic title can turn users off, negatively affecting the page’s performance.

How to add the meta title

More technically, the meta title is in the <head> section of your page’s HTML, within the <title> tags. Its primary function is to give search engines and users a clear and concise idea of ​​the page’s content. A well-written meta title should not only reflect the topic of the page but should also grab the user’s attention and encourage them to click.

You can also add it through the CMS. For example, in WordPress, the process is very simple; you just have to use plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math. To do this, once you access the editing of the page or entry, you will find a section dedicated to SEO, as you will see below.

Where do meta titles appear?

In addition to your website, meta titles also appear in other places that you should know about:

  • Browser tab. The meta title is the text that appears in your browser tab. Therefore, it is essential that it is easy to remember and simple.
  • In the SERP. Once the content is indexed, the meta title will appear in the search engines. On Google, these are the blue links that we all know. For example, it must attract attention to stand out by using emojis or numbers.

Keys to optimizing a correct meta title

To help you optimize your meta titles, I’m providing some key points that you should remember. Let’s get to it!

Correct keyword

The primary keyword should accurately reflect the page’s content and match the users’ search intent.

Additionally, including this keyword at the beginning of the meta title can increase your page’s relevance in search engines. However, we advise you to avoid excessive keyword use (keyword stuffing), as it can negatively affect both the user experience and the positioning itself.

Using CTA

Incorporating a call to action in the meta title can be an excellent strategy to improve the CTR. A well-placed CTA, such as “Discover,” “Learn,” “Buy,” or “Find,” not only informs about the page’s content but also invites the user to perform a specific action.

This makes your meta title more attractive and persuasive, increasing the likelihood that users will click on your page over other results.

Meta title characters

Another crucial factor is the length of the meta title. Search engines usually display between 50 and 55 characters of title in the results, and ideally, you should not exceed this limit.

If your meta title is longer, it may get cut off, which could cause important information to be lost or make the title less appealing. Keeping the meta title within this range ensures that it is displayed in full and readable, conveying all the critical information to users.

Brand names

Adding your brand name to your meta title can help strengthen your business’s identity and increase user trust. This is especially helpful if your brand already has recognition, as it can differentiate your content from your competitors.

The brand name is often added to the end of the title, separated by a hyphen or a vertical bar, for example: “SEO Guide for Your Business – Your Company”. This approach keeps the initial focus on the keyword while reinforcing the brand’s visibility.


Using emojis in meta titles is a growing trend that can make your result stand out on the search results page. Emojis can add a visual touch that draws the user’s attention, making it more attractive and relevant.

However, it is essential to use them sparingly and ensure they are appropriate for the tone of your content. Also, check how they display on different devices and search engines, as not all emojis work, depending on the CMS used.

Optimizing the meta title is critical to improving and highlighting our website.

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