What Comes After Smartphones? Future of Smartphones

What Comes After Smartphones? Future of Smartphones

Big tech companies have their sights set on the future. What direction will the life of smartphones, future of smartphones take in our digital lives? 

These technologies do not have to compete; they would be much more helpful if they complement each other to give the best experience to people who experience their digital life in any field, both at home and at work. An obvious example is how we use our smartphones and laptops; both have lived together, giving a better experience. 

Some people think that smartphones, as we know them, will cease to exist in fifteen or twenty years, and others, more optimistic, feel that they may continue to exist. However, they will no longer be tremendously inseparable from our lives.

Candidates to occupy the position of smartphones

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality allows people to interact between virtual environments and the physical world, allowing both to intermingle through a technological device such as a webcam, mobile phones (IOS or Android), and tablets, among others. 

In other words, Augmented Reality includes virtual objects in the physical context and shows them to the user using the interface of the natural environment with the support of technology. 

  1. A natural object that functions as a reference for the interpretation and creation of the virtual object.
  2. The presence of a camera device— such as a mobile phone—to transmit the image of the real object.
  3. The software is responsible for interpreting the signal transmitted by the camera.

The real object is transmitted through the camera to the software, which receives the image and combines it with 3D projections.


Wearables are the penultimate milestone of the technological revolution and open the door to a new personal universe. They record what we eat, monitor our heart rate, let us know if we are stressed, and facilitate communication with our environment. They are part of our image—we wear them in the form of watches, T-shirts, earrings, or bracelets—and they know things about us that we don’t.

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Wearables record what we see, our heart rate, breathing rate, sleep hours, and even our sense of well-being or stress.

Artificial intelligence assistants

One of the outstanding achievements of human beings in recent times is that they can talk to machines; in fact, almost all large companies have invested in having their own Intelligent Virtual Assistant. 

Currently, virtual assistants are well known for their functions at home, but in the business world, it has also experienced significant growth.

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