Tier List in Digital Marketing, & How Can It Be Applied?

Tier List in Digital Marketing, & How Can It Be Applied?

A tier list is a classification method that allows different elements of the same or related theme to be organized hierarchically according to the criteria desired by the creator.

Although the origin of the tier list comes from a very different sector than marketing, professionals in this area can use this resource and get a lot out of it. Do you want to know how? This article explains it and recommends how to make a tier list correctly.

History and evolution of tier lists

Tier lists have their origins in the world of video games. They were and are still used to classify characters and other game elements according to their power, placing the most powerful ones higher up.

Tier lists became popular around 2015/2016 thanks to the Twitch platform, where content creators made their video game lists live while the public watched the process. This is still done and is also expected to be seen on the YouTube platform, where these lists were created a little later, around 2018/2019.

Little by little, this resource has become popular. It is expected to be seen among players and as an entertainment element to classify series and movies, sports teams or games, placing the favourites at the top and the least favourites at the bottom.

This resource has even reached the most professional spheres, used by teams in very different areas, including marketing, due to its usefulness in seeing different elements ordered hierarchically at a glance.

Because of this wide variety of uses, we can see very different tier lists as they adapt to the purpose of their user. In this image, you can see the appearance of an original tier list, which is classified by letters. The S symbolizes “the best” and the F “the worst”.

It should be noted that the list of levels is subjective, and the result may vary depending on the person who makes it. This resource is not intended to be a detailed or exact analysis of a topic but rather a helpful classification (or simple entertainment) for the person who makes it.

How to create an effective Tier List

  • First, you need to be clear about what you want to classify. The good thing about the level list, among other things, is that it can be adapted to many topics.
  • Establish the classification criteria, that is, what aspect you will focus on when ordering them in the list. Continuing with the example, you can pay attention to your taste and how tasty the dish is.
  • Next, you need to choose the sorting levels. You can go with the classic system of letters from S to F, but you can also create a system in which you name each level as you wish and adapt the number of levels to your needs.
  • Next, it is important to have a complete compilation of all the items you want to classify. This is a very important point since, during the classification process, you will have to compare all the items with each other to place them in the right place. To do this, collect the information that will allow you to make this classification correctly.

Don’t forget that all the elements you will classify must be represented with an image placed at the bottom of the table. In this way, below the empty tier list, the different unordered images should be classified in their corresponding place.

  • Now, it is time to proceed to classify the different elements. As we have said, tier lists are usually subjective. Still, depending on the area in which they are used and their purpose, they can also be more or less objective, with data and percentages coming into play.
  • Once you’ve sorted all your items, it’s time to do a final check to ensure everything is where you want it. Of course, you can also make changes during the sorting process if you feel an item is in a place that doesn’t belong.
  • Suppose the tier list is professional. In that case, it is advisable to justify at the bottom of the table how you have made the classification and on what criteria you have based it. This way, your colleagues will be able to understand it.
  • You can periodically update your tier list and make changes, such as moving items around or adding new ones.

Tools and resources for creating a tier list

You can make your tier list by hand (physically or digitally). Still, different tools are designed to help you speed up this process and obtain a more optimal result. Below, we recommend some of the most interesting and useful ones so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and tastes.

Tier Maker

This tool is geared towards entertainment tier lists. You can create your online tier lists and complete those other users make.

Once you’ve finished, the platform lets you download or share the level list with whoever you want.

Tier lists are available for various topics, from actors and actresses to anime, food, history, sports, and memes.


The Canva design tool also offers templates to help you create your tier list and tools to design it from scratch.

If you want to create more professional tier lists for professional use, this is the tool I recommend. With this tool, you can give your tier list the design you want so that it fits your brand image. In addition, it also allows you to create collaborative tier lists in real-time so that any team member can participate. And the best thing is that you can do it free of charge.


Miro is a tool that helps you express different concepts and data graphically and visually. The platform is designed specifically for businesses with a tier list creation functionality.

Like Canva, we recommend it if you want to make tier lists in a professional setting. It has the disadvantage of allowing less customization of the tier list design compared to Canva. Still, it also has templates and different tools.

Like the previous tool, it allows you to create collaborative lists and share them with the team.

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