Is Your Nintendo’s SD Card Could be Slowing Down

The only way for the Nintendo Switch to get more storage space is by using a microSD card. But not all SD cards are the same. Some cards could slow down the performance of your games.

The Nintendo Switch and Switch Lites have a storage capacity of 32 GB. The OLED model increases this capacity to 64 GB. However, the operating software takes up a lot of space on all models. You may only have room for a few games. However, the Switch does have a slot for microSD cards with a maximum capacity of 2TB. Once you purchase an SD card with a matching microSD slot, you can transfer new games and data directly from the Switch. SD card.

Not all Cards Work on the Switch

SD cards pose a performance problem. Even the fastest microSD and SD cards have read and write speeds that are only a fraction of those of other flash drives. Samsung’s Pro Plus series microSD cards offer read speeds of up to 180MB/s and write speeds of 130MB/s. That’s much faster than USB cards. It’s much faster than a USB key but still half as fast. Samsung’s 870 EVO internal SSD can reach a maximum speed of 560MB/s. NVMe-based storage, used in recent consoles and computers, can often reach speeds above 7000MB/s.

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Due to the slow storage, every performance must be maximized, even when other Nintendo Switch hardware is ultimately responsible for game performance. Choose a microSD card with an A2 rating. A2 cards are designed for applications that require good read-and-write performance. Playback speeds are most important for Switch games, as they determine load times. Faster write speeds, on the other hand, can speed up downloads and data copies. The Nintendo Switch will always use internal storage to back up files.

Nintendo’s Sandisk Micro SD Cards are Also Slower 

Nintendo and SanDisk have partnered to produce Nintendo-themed microSD cards for the Switch. These cards feature images of Mario and Zelda. The cards aren’t fast, despite being touted as a recommended option for the Switch. Take the 256GB Mario Star card as an example: its read speed is 100MB/s, and its write speed is 90MB/s. This is less than half the speed of a Samsung card. This is less than half the read performance of the Samsung Pro Plus card.

Comparison Between Internal Switch Storage and SD Card

How important is SD card speed for Nintendo Switch games? To answer this question, we measured the loading speeds of two types of SD cards against the Switch’s internal storage. The SanDisk Extreme card was used to show off a modern A2 class SD card and an older 128GB Samsung Evo UHS-1 card for a lower-end alternative.

This test is not the most scientifically accurate, as some game data cannot be transferred to external storage. Other factors, such as temperature, can also impact performance. You should be able to get a general idea of ​​the performance of SD cards on the Switch.

The SanDisk A2 isn’t much different from internal storage regarding loading games. The difference is greatest in The Outer Worlds, with a 22% slowdown in loading a saved file. That makes sense because it’s primarily an open-world, high-resolution game that relies on fast playback speeds to load textures. Older versions of SD cards slowed the loading time to 67% less than that of the Switch’s internal memory.

In other games, a few seconds difference can make the difference. Doom 3 is a game with small levels that don’t require downloading much data simultaneously. Therefore, the disc’s speed does not play a big role. Other games may be affected by the Switch’s older graphics and processor.

Make Sure Your Switch Has a Fast SD Card 

Buying a brand-new SD card is unnecessary if you have a SanDisk A1 or UHS-1 card. Several games will load faster. But that’s all. Speed ​​is a factor to consider if your SD card needs to be replaced.

However, if you’re using an old or very cheap microSD card in your Switch – especially one that doesn’t have UHS (Ultra High Speed) technology, it could be a performance bottleneck for your Switch. Switch. If unsure, check your Switch settings and move the game to its internal storage. Then play it for a while. The SD card may need replacing if you see faster loading speeds or better performance.

If you’re buying an SD card for a Nintendo Switch — or any other device that runs apps and games on the card — be sure to buy an A2 version. I would not recommend buying a card from Amazon. Counterfeit cards are always a problem. Best Buy, Target, Samsung’s online store, or any other store should carry A2 microSD cards.

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