How to Improve the Conversion Rate of an eCommerce Website?

The percentage of businesses that have launched online commerce has increased significantly since the arrival of the pandemic. At the same time, many users have decided to make their purchases through the Internet, which is why e-commerce sales have also increased. Once launched into digitalization, you may ask yourself, why isn’t my online store selling? 

If this is your case, stay: we are going to give you three keys to improve these results. 

The first thing you need is to calculate the conversion rate. The conversion rate of an online business is the data that indicates the percentage of users who have performed a certain action. The action to be analyzed will depend on the objective that we have previously set, such as buying a product, filling out a form or signing up for the newsletter. 

How to Calculate the Conversion Rate?

To calculate the conversion rate of your e-commerce, you need two pieces of information: the number of conversions (times the action has been performed) and the visits to the website. Knowing both, the formula is the following:

Conversion Rate = (number of conversions / number of visits) x 100

This will give us a number between 0 and 100 since it is a percentage. Explained in words, it would be the following: of all the users who access your website, how many perform a certain action.

For example, imagine that the goal is to get users to make a purchase. 100 people access your website, and of these 100, 3 people buy a product; calculating the conversion rate would give a result of 3%.

To have reference data, the conversion rate in 2023, according to E-commerce News, was between 1% and 3%. This varies greatly depending on the sector and e-commerce; for example, in the case of Amazon, we are talking about a conversion rate of 7%.

To improve conversion, there are different actions you can take on your website. Here are the three keys to it:

Focus on User Experience

The user who comfortably browses your website will spend more time on it, increasing the purchase possibilities and, at the same time, the conversion rate of your e-commerce. Therefore, the user experience will be essential to meet the objectives. 

  • Long loading times will cause your users to quickly leave your website, taking about just 3 seconds of waiting.
  • Make sure your website is responsive. This means that it adapts to different sizes according to need. Online consultation through smartphones has completely exploded, so you must keep in mind that many of your potential clients are going to access your site through their mobile.
  • Messy or overly complex menus also don’t help make navigation simple and enjoyable. Make sure to prioritize the pages that will appear in your menu with the use of categories and subcategories.
  • Remember to add all the information about your products, as well as different photos, reviews, size guides, and even sizing forms to help with the purchasing decision, also reducing returns.
  • The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages are very useful for answering frequently asked questions. Thus, if the user has a question, in most cases, they will have the answer on your website, and it will not be necessary to investigate further.

Optimize your website in search engines

Your potential clients will search for the products or services they need in the different search engines; make sure that your website will appear in the first position or at least on the first page. And for that, you have to optimize your website so that search engines find it easily. 

  • Add keywords related to your business and for which your client is going to search for you.
  • Make sure that all the content on your website is original and of interest to the consumer.
  • As we have explained previously, the structure of the website will also influence its visibility in search engines. Sort all your categories and their products.
  • As with any strategy, analyze the results periodically to perceive which strategies are not working correctly and modify them in time.

Know your Audience

It seems very obvious, but it is important to know the potential client you are targeting. Know your age, gender, geographical area, as well as your tastes, needs, purchasing preferences, etc. It will make you reach it more easily. 

In short, understanding your audience gives you the key to fully embody the user experience they will have on your website. Ultimately, you are interested in attracting quality traffic since if the user who enters your e-commerce is part of your audience, you will have a better chance of making the purchase.

Also Read: Do Social Networks Help to Success in SEO: Digital Strategy

Web Audience

WebAudience is about technology and web-internet website covering Tech, Online Business, Digital Marketing, Gadgets, Apps, Reviews, Software and more related to the web.

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