Python Moves to Dismiss GIL and Grow Concurrency

The removal of GIL removes a major obstacle to multithreading, making Python a multicore language. The Python board of directors intends to make a proposal to mark the culmination of many attempts over the years to remove the Global Interlock (GIL). This will remove a major roadblock to multithreading, making Python a multicore language and […]

WhatsApp Will Stop Working On These Phones

Occasionally, most applications usually update to avoid security flaws and improve their features. Some of these applications often contain significant changes, which makes them unusable on some mobile phone models. Now the turn has come to WhatsApp. The next update of the instant messaging application will take place on June 1, meaning that several mobile […]

How to React on Discord Mobile With Emojis?

You can react to anything on Discord. If a message is comical, use a emoji. Want to know how to respond on your mobile device? Reactions on Discord  People often think that there are no reaction buttons on Discord. Contrary to this idea, there are a plethora of emojis on Discord. Users can use them […]

The Best Horror Video Games to Have Fun

Many prefer to celebrate it by playing horror video games online in the solitude of their room. And to these last ones, we will dedicate our blog post today. Today we bring you the best horror games.  They say that the horror genre is living a second youth, which allows us to enjoy dozens of […]

How to Create Your Avatar on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is not to evolve. In recent weeks, the application owned by Meta, which has 2,000 million users worldwide, has added new tools, such as Communities or the possibility of creating virtual avatars. The two novelties are already available to the bulk of iOS and Android users through an update of the ‘app’. How they […]