Categories: GADGETS

A Practical Guide to Choosing the Best Smart Peepholes

Nothing in the world we want to protect more than our home and all that it represents: it is where we feel safest, enjoy creating family memories, and do not want the least of shocks. 

Peepholes in homes have been with us for a long time, and so far, they have done their job well. But like everything in life, new technologies push hard, and conventional peepholes have not been left behind.

Peepholes have become devices that provide another layer of security in homes, extra protection when someone knocks on our door. 

And the best part is that you don’t have to be a technology geek to install an intelligent peephole. Instead, they are relatively easy-to-use devices that anyone can install on their front door. 

Do you want to improve your home’s security and don’t know where to start? This article tells you everything you need to consider before installing a smart peephole to know the best option for your particular needs.

Intelligent Peepholes: What Do They Consist Of?

In the home security field, smart peepholes are one of the solutions that more homes are opting for as an additional measure of peace of mind, control, and practicality when receiving visitors at home.

A smart peephole usually consists of a screen for viewing the images captured on the other side of the door, a camera, and a control panel. 

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The technologies applied in this device can even be controlled through any smartphone, representing great control for those who want to protect their homes even when they are not there. 

The smart peephole has the great advantage of transmitting the images directly to where we want to view them (for example, on our mobile phone or on our computer), as well as a wide variety of functions to turn the arrival of visitors into an experience.

How to Choose A Smart Peephole?

As with any electronic device that you are considering buying, in the case of smart peepholes, there is also a world of options that you must weigh before deciding on one model or another.

In general, you will want to consider the following aspects before choosing between one smart peephole or another:

Screen Resolution

Clarity when transmitting images is an important aspect when buying a smart peephole . The last thing we want is a blurry picture of what’s happening on the other side of the door, which doesn’t allow us to clearly see who it is.

Image Recording

Not all smart peepholes can record images, limiting themselves to transmitting said images. If, apart from the transmission of the image, you are also interested in these being stored so that you can view them later, make sure that the model you choose has this function.

Night Vision

Relying on the lighting on the other side of the door for a clear image may not be the best of ideas. Especially when there are smart peepholes with the night vision function or in low visibility conditions due to lack of light.

Motion Detection

This function can be beneficial to optimize the storage of images in case of activating the recording system. By having a motion sensor, the smart peephole will only activate the recording mode when it detects someone in front of the door of our house

Communication in Two Directions

What if we could speak directly with the courier when a shipment is about to be delivered to us, and we have not yet arrived home to receive it? To solve this common problem, many smart peepholes have a two-way communication feature that will allow you to talk to whoever is on the other side of the door (even if you are somewhere else).

Wi-Fi Peephole

The Wi-Fi connection is another of the most outstanding functions of any smart peephole so that we can keep it connected to the network at all times for the transmission of images, storage, etc. 

Face Recognition

As in almost every electronic device that hits the market, the competition to create the most revolutionary model is always served. So much so that there are already smart peepholes with a facial recognition system that allows us to authorize the entry of those we want by bringing their face close to the peephole. 

These are some of the functions you should consider when choosing a smart peephole. How, then, to opt for one model or another with various options? Consider first what you need and evaluate all the possibilities that respond to those needs.

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